Benefits of Yoga Mudrasana.
Yoga Mudrasana
Yoga Mudrasana is the further extension of Padmasana.Initial situation-
- Sit down in Padmasana and take your both arms behind the back.
- Hold the right wrist with the left hand.
- Lean forward, leaving the breath and bring the forehead or chin to the floor.
- In this final state, you can breathe normally and keep on leaving it.
- Keep this position for 5-10 seconds.
Yoga Mudrasana |
Back in the former situation-
- Lift up your body while breathing, leave your hands and fill your breath and get in the initial position.
Remember the following points-
- Keep the back straight while bending
- Bend as much as possible
- Do not drag the body beyond the capacity.
- Do not shock the body.
Benefits of Yoga Mudrasana:
- This asana brings a pull in the spinal cord and makes it flexible.
- It improves digestion power.
- This helps in increasing concentration.
- It makes the spinal muscles healthy.
- Cardiovascular problems people with back problems should not do this posture.
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