Yoga Mudras for Asthma
Yoga for Ashthma
Anyone who suffers from harmful illness like Asthma can not enjoy many things in life. On asthma, the airway gets compressed due to which there is difficulty in breathing. Such people begins to thrive in the soil and dust. Asthma is such a disease that a person suffering from depression is often distressed, it is a very fatal disease, very few people know that even today, more than 30\ million people are suffering from asthma all over the world. It is difficult to completely eliminate this disease in today's time, but it can be controlled by yoga too.
Let us know about these yoga:
Kapalbhati is considered a compound action which makes the body clean by passing out the exotic elements of specific parts of the body. The Sanskrit word Kapal means 'forehead' and Bhati means 'glow'. Kadalbhati helps in reducing the forearms of the brain.
Let's follow the steps given below to do Kapalbhati-
- Sit directly in Padamashanas, Ardhapadamasan or Vajrasana.
- Deep breathing through nostrils.
- Now breathing out the force by compressing the abdominal muscles.
- Do not make any effort in breathing process, it is an attempt of Kapalbhati.Start with this kind of 10 endeavors.
- This is a cycle. You can practice one to three chakras in one session.
Remember the following points-
- Put the force to leave the breath and let the breathing come inside yourself.
- Focus on leaving breathing only.
- When leaving the breath, attach the abdominal muscles.
- Do not shake chest or shoulders while leaving your breath.
- This action can be performed in the abdominal area.
- Exposure, stimulates abdominal muscles and improves digestion.
- From Kapalbhati exits carbon dioxide and other waste gases from the lungs.
- It is improve the heart and lung capability, so it is good for respiratory diseases, Asthma.
2-Anulom Vilom pranayama:
Anulom means 'side' and the Vilom means 'opposite'. In this pranayama, for both respiration and sublimation, both of the nostrils are used alternately in opposite order. This pranayama is also called nadishodhan pranayama.
Let's follow the steps given below to do Anulom Vilom pranayama-
- Sit in Ardhapadamasan, Padmashan or any other modest posture. Keep the body straight and keep your hands on the knees in the knowledge posture.
- Raise the right hand and close the right nostril with right-hand thumb.
- Breathe slowly from the left nostril.
- Remove the pressure of the thumb from the right nostril. Now close the left nostril with anonymized and small finger and leave slowly breathing slowly with the right nostril.
- Now breathing slowly into the breathing slowly with the nostril.
- Close the right nostril with the thumb and gradually leave the breath away from the left nostril.
- This is an integral cycle of anulom vilom pranayama. Repeat this five times.
Remember the following points-
- Breathe very slowly and leave breathing.
- Focus on respiration.
- Do not get the sound from the nose.
- Do not put too much emphasis on the nostrils.
- Do not breathe from your head.
- It makes the mind calm.
- This improves concentration
- It provides enough oxygenic blood to the body.
- It helps to regulate blood pressure.
- This reduces tention.
- It is good for respiratory diseases, Asthma.
3-Bhastrika Pranayama:
Bhastrika is composed of the Sanskrit word 'Bhastra', which means 'Dhaunkni'. In this pranayama, by fast and stressing, the process of intercession and exhalation is done.
Bhastrika Pranayama |
Let's follow the steps given below to do bhastika pranayama-
- Padamasan, Ardhapadamasan sit in any meditation situation.
- Keep body straight.
- Now put the breath in by breathing through the nostrils and leave it out.
- Continue to breathe forcefully and leave until ten count.
- Finally, breathe deeply after breathing out and breathe slowly. This is a cycle of bhastika pranayama.
Remember the following points-
- Move the lungs, diaphragms and stomach each time you breathe and leave.
- Chest and shoulders should not move.
- Do not practice this in extreme hot conditions.
- It destroys the cough.
- It is beneficial in asthma.
- It accelerates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood stream.
Meditation is a yoga practice. This gives comfort to the body and mind.
To concentrate on any one point in meditation Initially, concentration
of mind is difficult, so new people starting it can start meditating
only for a while and its period can be extended later.
Meditation |
Let's follow the steps given below to do Meditation-
Initial status
- Sitting in an asana suitable for meditation. Put your hands on your knees in the knowledge exchange. Sit straight straight
- Close your eyes lightly and breathe slowly.
- Focus on breathing and leaving. In such a situation, your mind can move around here and there. Try to focus only on your breathing.
- Keep respiration normal. Do not try to think about anything else. Just focus on breathing.
- Gently move your awareness outside
- Cover your eyes with your hands and blink eyes for a few seconds, so that
- Eyes do not suffer from sudden light when they open their eyes.
- Slowly open your eyes, remove hands and relax.
Remember the following points-
- Practice meditation in peace and environment.
- Keep it closed.
- Hard paving to sit in meditation
- Do not use it.
- Do not wear unobtrusive clothes.
- Do not change posture.
- It can be very comforting.
- It reduces heartbeat speed and blood pressure.
- This helps to remove stress.
- It helps to control emotions.
- This increases concentration.
- It is beneficial in asthma.
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