Supta Vajrasana(Reclined Thunderbolt Pose) Steps,Benefits and Precautions.

Supta Vajrasana(Reclined Thunderbolt Pose)

Supta Vajrasana means the 'lying behind' in the case of Vajrasana. This posture is the extension of Vajrasana.
Supta Vajrasana Steps.
Supta Vajrasana Steps

Let's follow the steps given below to do Supta Vajrasana-

Initial Position -

  • First sit in Vajrasana.
  • Put your both palms on your thighs.
  • Now, leaning back slowly, while taking the support of the elbows.
  • Lie down on the back of Vajrasana.
  • Keep the hands on the thighs or take the arms back and hold the elbow of one hand with the other hand.
  • Stay in this condition for at least 1 minute.
  • Let breathing slow down in full state.
Supt Vajrasana Steps.

Come back in Initial Position-

  • Place your hands besides to your body.
  • Come to Vajrasana with the help of your elbows and arms.


Remember the following points-

  • Help your elbows and arms to bend back and come back in intial position.
  • Keep both knees close and keep the shoulders on the floor.
  • To put knees on the floor forcibly,
  • Do not put stress on the stereotypes of thighs and muscles.
  • Do not come in the initial position while straightening the legs.


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Benefits of Vrikshasana.

Benefits of Vajrasana.

Benefits of Katichakrasana.

Yoga for Migraine and Headache.

Benefits of Supta Vajrasana-

  • This seat pulls the muscles of the stomach.
  • This seat makes the back shiny.
  • This asana reduces back pain.
  • This posture is useful for controlling high blood pressure.
  • This posture gives relief in constipation.
  • This posture increases the eyesight of the eyes
  • This posture removes breath-related diseases.
  • This asana makes the blood pure.
  • This posture removes stomach-related diseases such as gas, indigestion, constipation etc.
  • This gives peace to the muscles of the spinal cord and flexibility in the back.
  • This posture reduces stomach fat and obesity.
  • This posture leads to lukewarmness and waist pain when it bends forward is fine.
  • By doing this asana, the waist is thin and the body becomes beautiful and attractive.

Precautions of Supta Vajrasana -

  • Do not do this posture after eating.
  • Do this posture empty stomach,
  • Do not do this posture on arthritis and back pain.
  • The person suffering from knee pain, slip disc, cystica and buttocks is not suffering from this posture.

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