Surya Namaskar Steps and Benefits.


Surya Namaskar is the practice of yoga postures, the sadhana of pranayama, worship of sunnarayan, and the power of mantras. Therefore, Surya Namaskar is called Absolute Exercise.

Surya Namaskar is primarily through the use of the Sun (through specific body shapes). Surya Namaskar is a series of physical situations. These conditions either pull the muscles and spinal cord and make the whole body flexible.

surya namaskar benefits,
Surya Namaskar

Let's follow the steps to do suryanamskar-


 Stand straight by bringing the feet together with each other. Put the palms in front of the chest in each other. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar Benefits
Surya Namaskar steps

2. Hasta Uttanasana:

Carry the two arms over the wrist and turn the torso slightly backwards. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar benefits.
Surya Namaskar steps

 3. Janubhalasana:

Leaving the bees beside the ears, bowing forward to the waist. Both palms should touch the floor on either side of the feet and the forehead should be attached to the knees. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar steps
Surya Namaskar steps

4. Ardha Bujangasana:

Filling the breath, take the leg to the back as far as possible. Bend the left knee and place the left leg between the palms on the ground. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar benefits.
Surya Namaskar steps


Bring the right leg back to the left with the left foot while leaving the breath. Together, raise the niggard up and down the middle of the eye, so that the body is made of a triangle with the floor. Try to keep the ankles flat on the ground. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar benefits
Surya Namaskar steps

6. Astangasana:

With normal breathing, slowly kneel, chest and chin should touch the floor. Feet of thumb, knee, chest, hand, chin floors should be touched and the nostrils stand upwards. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar benefits.
Surya Namaskar steps

7. Bhujangasana:

Move the chest down, lower the nombres, lift the neck upwards until the spinal cord is fully absorbed, and then look backwards. The pumps and legs of the stomach remain on the floor. While lifting the torso, fill the breathing inside. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar steps

8. Janushirasana:

Keeping the palms flattening, leaving the body down, move the fuselage down. Keep both legs flat on the floor. Raise the niches and let the heart down in the middle of the arms. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar steps

9. Ardha Bhujangana:

While filling inside the breathing, move the left leg back as far as possible. Dahi fold the knee and dahi puts the foot on the floor in the palms. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar steps

10. Janubhalasana:

Bring the left foot behind the left foot. Take both feet, straighten the knees and bend forward. Take the knees near the knees. The palms should be on both sides of the feet. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar steps

11. Hasta Uttanasana:

Gather the hands, both hands and the torso gently, while filling the breath. Turn the torso backwards with the strained bhujo. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar steps

12. Pranamasana:

Come straight to the heart while leaving the breath. Bring the hands in front of the chest and add palms to the nostril and position. Keep the operation normal in this stage. Stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Surya Namaskar steps

Remember the following things-

  • Combine the breeth with the body's speed.
  • Take time to swallow up and breathe while you bow down.
  • Do not go beyond your ability.
  • It is advisable to do a Surya Namaskar in 5 minutes.

Surya Namskar Benefits-

  1. This helps to increase strength and flexibilit
  2.  It monitors the concentration
  3. This reduces the maximum amount of fat.
  4.  It gives energy to the body.
  5.  It helps in increasing the length of growing children and makes their body feel better.
  6. It warm up the body.
  7. This improves blood circulation in the body.
  8. This makes the body flexible.

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